Improve your sales and profitability with fibre

News / 31.10.18

Fibre differentiates you from other integrators. Let's face it, the vast majority of quotes and installations are copper-based (think HDMI and twisted pair cables). This leaves you and your competition competing on price.

Promoting fibre not only differentiates your firm, but it also sends several key messages to your potential customer: 

You understand technology trends and product roadmaps

You invest in education and your team is competent with the latest solutions

You care about the long-term stability of your installations

You believe future-proofing is a critical component of any project 

Fibre creates a customer upgrade path. No integrator wants a one-and-done client; future productive business is critical for both revenue and referrals. When you integrate fibre, you install a pipe that can handle 10,000x more bandwidth than twisted pair cable -- it's the only way to truly future-proof an installation. That means you can seamlessly provide HDMI 2.1 and 8K devices, as well as whatever standard comes next. 

Cameron Smith CEO TechLogix Networx