Savant Educational Series - May

News / 04.05.20

Road to Energy Independence - Tuesday 5th May at 16:00 GMT
As we head into the summer months, with increased energy consumption in the home, now is a good time to start discussing the many Smart Energy options with your clients. Join us for our 4-part Energy Education Series and learn how you can empower your business to offer an even better Smart Home Experience.

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dvancing Your Studio Skills - Wednesday 6th May at 16:00 GMT
Now it’s time to drill deeper into the features of Studio that round out that Savant Home Experience. Join us for a tour through the conditional programming of Behaviors, customized control through Custom Screens and best practices for finishing these systems with lighting, climate and more!

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Educate Your Savant Clients on their Upgrade Options - Thursday 7th May at 16:00 GMT

Savant is excited to launch marketing tools for you to use to promote new features to your existing clients. A three-part email campaign is being co-designed by Savant and One Firefly, and will be available for all Savant integrators. Join our marketing webinar to learn more. 

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ne-to-One with a Savant Technician 
Reserve a dedicated 1-hour session with Savant's outstanding Technical Support Team. Sessions will be offered on a first come, first serve basis and can be reserved on the Savant University. Through remote screen sharing, the Support Team are eager to offer you insights into:
- Blueprint deployment essentials
- Studio deployment essentials
- Tips for remote project management 
- System monitor deep dive
- Creating triggers and workflows

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