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Projecta's SiteLine

Projecta is a leading manufacturer of projection screens. Their latest innovation is the SightLine Floating Projection Screen.   read more


Vaddio’s RoboFLIP: The Answer to Video Conferencing Anxieties

The increasing use of cameras for video conferencing, there is concerns about workers' privacy and trust in the technology. Video conferencing software such as Microsoft Teams and Google Meet have became essential tools.   read more


Lutron Sivoia Training 2023

Some exciting news about the new Sivoia full shades training format!
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Why do Recording Studios need Acoustic Treatments?

Recording studios are a critical part of the music industry, providing a space for artists, engineers, and producers to capture and create music. However, it's not just about the equipment and software used in the studio.   read more


Cedia Tech Summit London

The RGB and Savant Europe team had a fantastic time attending the Cedia Tech Summit in London! Check out our summary of what happened...   read more


Savant: Home theatre, a trend or here to stay?

Home theatre systems have been a popular choice for entertainment enthusiasts for years. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the home theatre industry has continued to grow, with streaming services like Amazon, Apple, and Netflix producing high-quality content   read more


Humly x Appspace Pilot Program

Get your hands on Humly x Appspace products and experience them first hand for 60 days. Humly will provide the award-winning hardware and Appspace, the software workplace technology suite.   read more


Integrated Workplace Solutions

Technological advancements are increasingly turning businesses to integrated workplace solutions to help manage their operations and streamline their processes.   read more


AV Stumpfl - Pure White

Having the right screen is just as important as having the right projector. The Fullwhite Projection Screen brings the best image quality, colour accuracy, and highly improves the viewing experience.   read more


Artnovion's Logan W Diffuser

​Achieving the perfect sound quality is essential for an enjoyable listening experience. The Logan W Diffuser from Artnovion is a product that promises to do just that.   read more


Humly - 1.18 Release Notes

We bring you the latest release notes from Humly - 1.18!   read more