Polar Bear Design: Where Aesthetics Meet Functionality for Ultimate HVAC Control

News / 26.07.23

In today's fast-paced world, where technology plays a significant role in our lives, finding a balance between aesthetics and functionality is crucial. Polar Bear Design have created the ultimate in design and engineering in their state-of-the-art integrated HVAC solutions with significantly more functionality and design aesthetic than anything else available in the market.

Let's dive deeper into the testimonials of our customers, who have experienced the magic of Polar Bear Design firsthand.

Durgesh Sinh, Nucleus: Enhancing True Home Automation

“Polar Bear’s Ecosystem has filled a chasm in the industry. It allows for a dependable frame worked solution, that gives enough flexibility for most projects. Polar Bear Design, allows for a holistic solution, providing a one stop shop, to control Heat Sources, Towel Rails, and Air Conditioning. 

Before Polar Bear, we would have not considered getting involved in this “space”. Both Polar Bear and RGB, have a made sure to consider the control landscape, and have used BACnet to make sure the EcoSystem can be easily and reliably be integrated with all the leading control systems”

Antony Jaycocks, Smartcomm: Striking the Perfect Balance

“Often the in-room control of an HVAC system becomes an argument of ‘Form vs Function’; Polar Bear has helped us remove those blockers with a beautiful control option, whilst offering the technological power which means we can use their products for as much or as little integration as required. The intuitive UX means that it is suitable for all rooms, whilst the dual-zone technology offers an elegant solution to en-suite bathroom controls that might not have been possible due to ‘wet-zone’ restrictions. The integration of an intelligent lighting control keypad allows for a sleek solution to the thermostats placement on-wall, if the control area is aesthetically demanding or congested”

Polar Bear Design stands at the forefront of innovation, seamlessly merging elegance and functionality in their range of consumer electronics. With testimonials from RGB Communication's customers praising their comprehensive solutions and beautiful control options, Polar Bear Design has proven its ability to transform the control landscape. Whether it's empowering true home automation or striking the perfect balance between form and function, Polar Bear Design continues to impress with its intuitive interfaces and cutting-edge technologies. To explore their products and experience the future of control, visit their website or get in touch with the RGB team today.