Tech She Can

News / 09.03.23

We’re so proud of our 50% female team every day of the year, not just on International Women’s Day. Our way of celebrating them all was to donate to a cause that would help close the gender gap in the tech industry through education and inspiration. 

We chose charity Tech She Can as they work to inspire and educate girls and women to study technology subjects and pursue technology careers so that they have an equal opportunity to participate in the jobs of the future. It’s so important for us to close the gap, with only 27% of those in tech being female. In 2021 Tech She Can gained charity status and then in 2022, they smashed all of their goals. They reached over 10’000 children, partnered with 15 strategic partners and trained over 200 champions. We absolutely admire their commitment to bringing more women into tech through education and felt so proud to be able to donate to the charity.

We are so thankful to every new follower on our social media channels and we’re keeping our promise. We’ve now donated £300 to Tech She Can, and you can too. Help this great cause continue to work to close the gender gap and promote the tech industry to women by donating here.