GUDE's Effective Power Distribution and Metering

News / 19.05.23

GUDE’s PDUs provide IT management with remote monitoring and control capabilities, proactive maintenance insights, energy efficiency optimization and more. These features empower IT management teams to effectively oversee and manage their IT infrastructure, ensuring the optimal performance, minimising downtime and achieving operational excellence.

Remote Monitoring and Control

These PDUs offer robust remote monitoring and control capabilities. IT managers can access real-time data on power consumption and individual outlet status from anywhere, allowing them to effectively monitor and manage their IT infrastructure.

Proactive Maintenance and Issue Resolution

Providing valuable insights into power usage, temperature, humidity and other environmental factors are a key advantage. This helps IT managers to identify potential issues and address them proactively by detecting and resolving power abnormalities, preventing equipment failures due to overheating, and ensuring optimal operating conditions for critical IT systems.

Energy Efficient Optimisation

GUDE’s PDUs empower IT management to improve energy efficiency within their IT infrastructure. Managers can identify energy-intensive devices or areas and implement energy-saving measures. This won’t just reduce operational costs but also help to align with minimising energy wastage and carbon footprint.

Integration with IT Management Systems

These PDUs seamlessly integrate with existing IT management systems, such as networking monitoring tools and data centre management software. THey support standard protocols such as SNMP, Modbus and REST API, allowing IT managers to incorporate power management data into their central management platforms.

Enhanced Reliability and Redundancy

Whilst, incorporating redundancy features to ensure continuous power supply, dual power inputs and built-in failover mechanisms protect against power source failures and minimise downtime. IT management can rely on the PDUs reliability and robustness, knowing that critical systems will remain operational even in the event of a power-related issue. It also has a self-healing function through integrated watchdogs that restart frozen systems.