Elevate Your Meeting Room with Artnovion

News / 28.06.24

The quality of a meeting room can significantly impact the productivity and effectiveness of discussions. One often overlooked aspect is acoustics. Poor acoustics can lead to misunderstandings, strained conversations, and overall inefficiency. Thankfully, with Artnovion, enhancing the acoustic quality of your meeting rooms doesn’t have to break the bank.

The Affordable Acoustic Solution

Artnovion offers a range of acoustics that cater to different needs and budgets. For entry-level improvements, their selection of cushions and panels provide an excellent start.

Cushions on the Wall

Cushions may seem like a simple addition, but they can dramatically enhance the acoustics of a room. Here’s how:

  • Sound Absorption: Cushions help absorb sound waves, reducing echo and reverberation
  • Improved Clarity: By absorbing excess noise, they make speech more intelligible, ensuring everyone is heard clearly.
  • Cost-Effective: Cushions are an affordable option that can fit within most budgets, making them accessible for businesses of all sizes.

Benefits Across All Room Sizes

Whether your meeting room is small, medium or large, Artnovion’s products can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

  • Small Rooms: Even a few cushions can make a noticeable difference. Place them on opposite walls to reduce echo and improve sound clarity.
  • Medium Rooms: A combination of cushions and panels might be more effective. This setup provides balanced sound absorption, addressing further issues like flutter echoes and standing waves.
  • Large Rooms: Artnovion offers customisable solutions, including diffusers and bass traps, in addition to cushions and panels. These products work together to create an acoustically optimised environment.

Easy Installation

One of the great advantages of Artnovion’s products is their ease of installation. Here’s a few tips:

  • Strategic Placement: Position cushions at the first points of reflection (usually the walls directly adjacent to where people sit)
  • Spacing: Leave some space between the cushions to maximise their effectiveness in absorbing different frequencies.
  • Height: Mount cushions at ear level for optimal sound absorption during seated conversations

Improving the acoustics of meeting rooms does not have to be a daunting or expensive task. With Artnovion, even small, cost-effect changes like adding a few cushions to the walls can significantly enhance the sound quality. This affordable investment not only improves communication and reduces stress but also projects a professional image for businesses.