Nexus-21 Pop-Up & Swivel TV Lift for up to 86 inch TV

Nexus 21 - TV lifts and mounts
Nexus-21 Pop-Up & Swivel TV Lift for up to 86 inch TV


Model L-85s combines multiple telescoping lift columns into one seamless mechanism providing unrivaled speed and extended travel. It raises screens up to 86 inches in as little as 18 seconds and has 360-degree manual swivel allowing you to face the screen anywhere in the room.

Features & Benefits

  • Features & Benefits
  • 79.5 kgs weight capacity
  • Travels 52 inches
  • Fully extends in 18 – 30 seconds depending on weight load
  • Quiet operation at just 50 dB
  • Choice of RF remote Control System Integration Kit (includes IR remote and contact closure interface) or IP control device
